Activities of Exploratory Learning:

Educational material
From kindergarten to university, educational material for every subject. For all teachers, students, students, hobbyists, professionals.

Educational Robotics
LEGO Mindstorms and a host of alternative components such as Arduino, Picaxe and all that are needed such as sensors, microcontrollers, components, components, motors and more. For all students, students, teachers, hobbyists, professionals.

Educational Game
A simple gift or a gift with knowledge and learning content. The source of educational play for every child, every age.

LEGO Education
It is our honor that we have been selected by LEGO Education as our exclusive partners in Greece and Cyprus. For the past thirty years LEGO has partnered with the world’s largest universities such as MIT, Carnegie Mellon, to design and develop educational products for all ages in order to gain an understanding of the physical sciences, the environment and educational robotics.