WorkShop for LEGO MindStorms - Διερευνητική Μάθηση

Introducing / Introducing LEGO MindStorms Features

LEGO MindStorms is a robotics educational platform for students of the last two grades of Primary (E ‘& F’) as well as Gymnasium and High School.

From Grade E and F Elementary, students can understand all the programming structures and design important algorithms that are used in applications even in everyday life (eg auto parking, alarms, etc.).

The appropriate material in this case is the LEGO Mindstorms Basic Robotics Training Package containing all of these tools (sensors, motors, programming environments) for students to define behaviors through programming in self-made mechanical objects.

With the LEGO MindStorms Basic Robotics Training Package it doesn’t matter where you start working but that … you get started !!! A group of 3-5 students has the ability to simulate almost all modern automation and to approach satisfactory automated control systems through a creative and enjoyable learning environment.

The capabilities of the package are truly endless and the only limit to these capabilities is the imagination of the user!

In our company, you can find out about the possibilities of LEGO MindStorms educational robotics platform.

For more information on introducing / getting to know the LEGO Mindstorms EV3:

<a href=”#”>Contact Us</a>

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